Home - Events - 4. Real Estate Investment Day
13. Juni 2023 | Frankfurt am Main | Kooperations-Veranstaltungen

4. Real Estate Investment Day

13. Juni 2023 | Frankfurt am Main

The Real Estate Investment Day is a one-day conference at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, bringing investment officers, innovative fund managers, and consultants together. It is taking place for the fourth time. The previous events were a complete success despite the pandemic.

As an international investor, the Real Estate Investment Day will give you important insights into the German investment market. As a German investor, you will be informed about attractive investment opportunities abroad, especially in Europe.

The focus of this conference lies on real estate investments, including public and private debt as well as public and private equity, but exciting other investment topics can also be presented. In addition, the conference will provide a forum for all current and investor-relevant trend topics such as ESG, digitisation and recruitment.


  • Public & Corporate pensions
  • Endowments and foundations
  • Investment consultants & advisors
  • Private equity real estate managers
  • REITs
  • Real estate investment funds
  • Real estate developers and property managers
  • Law firms


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